GrainSearch’s potential Fast Malting Barley continues to show promiseHarvest Declaration Form

October 22, 2015

GrainSearch is continuing to evaluate the super quick 9516-01 Barley in 2015 and it is again showing strong potential to be the next commercial variety release for GrainSearch.  The line reaches 50% head emergence at least 10 days faster than Hindmarsh, making it an extremely quick barley.  Preliminary malting data shows that the line has strong export malt characteristics and in the field, agronomically it is fast out of the ground, shows good disease tolerances and copes in drier conditions.

Along with GrainSearch’s own extensive evaluation trials,  9516-01 has been entered into all 2015 main season NVT barley sites in Vic, NSW and Qld.  A recent inspection of the NVT site at Wunghnu (NE Vic) showed that the speed of 9516-01 has helped it overcome the lower than average rainfall received at the site. Harvest results from the NVT sites will help show where 9516-01 may best suit. Early trial data shows that it is best suited to the MRZ and LRZ barley growing regions such as the Wimmera and Mallee (Vic),

In 2016 GrainSearch will expand testing on 9516-01 to include time of sowing trials – to ensure we are able to lock in the best sowing time but it is certainly looks well suited to a late May – mid June sowing window.

GrainSearch has also began bulking up seed ready for sufficient production for Malt Accreditation in 2017.  If all goes to plan, a full commercial release is planned for the 2018 season.

(9516-01 comes from the Syngenta Seeds UK breeding program and is licenced to GrainSearch in Australia)

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